Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The search begins

Enough time has passed since we had to put Herschel down that I’ve finally decided I’m ready to adopt a shelter dog. Leslie has begrudgingly agreed. As long as the dog doesn’t eat Little Man, her skittish cat, that is. My guess is that she will learn to love him or her just as she did Herschel.

I’ve had my eye on one in particular at Southern Hope. I figured if she was still there when I got back from vacation I’d take her home. When I looked for her today, I saw this:

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit disappointed but the bottom line is that she found a home. So my search begins in earnest for my dog. Not to replace Herschel. But to give a home to a dog that desperately needs it. A dog that will snuggle with Emma at night. A dog that will protect her from the monsters under the bed. A dog that will walk with her to the bus stop. A dog that will wait anxiously for her to get home.

My dog is out there. And so the search begins to find her.

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